Final Fantasy XV: Noctis And The Importance Of True Friendship

Summer of 2013, and Square Enix drops the bomb that Final Fantasy Versus XIII evolved into Final Fantasy XV, and the world went crazy. Over the years, more expectations were built with gameplay previews, demos, announcements of complementary elements like the prequel film Kingsglaive, DLCs, and more. People were eagerly awaiting the release of this game, and when it finally saw the light… it was a disappointment (for many).

Upon release, this installment had flaws in mechanics, technical issues, plot holes, and all the additional content released was used to patch up some of the holes in the story, not to mention the major updates that followed. Then came the announcements of DLCs, an anime, and a Royal Edition that ended up doing the same, filling gaps to complete what should have been the main game instead of enhancing the world that had been created. Square Enix took advantage of its audience, and this is actually the real reason why many people hate it. But in the end, Final Fantasy XV is an incredible game. (There, I said it! My first unpopular opinion of the year. Don’t hate me, please!)

In Final Fantasy XV, Noctis and his friends take us on an adventure that is mostly about growing up and facing your destiny. In this article, we will explore the evolution of Noctis and the importance of relying on your friends in the darkest moments. Are you ready, digital legends, to hop into the Regalia and save Eos from the darkness?

The Beginning of the Adventure.

Our story starts directly in the action; the game wastes no time throwing you straight into chaos, leaving you in the midst of a fire, fighting enemies, and teaming up to move forward. But how did we get there?

After completing this section, we are taken about 10 years back to where it all began. We see Noctis with his father, King Regis, who tells him that royal blood runs through his veins and with it, the weight of his responsibilities (something that doesn’t make Noctis very happy). Then we see them outside the castle, with a more relaxed Regis trying to be more of a father than a king, and Noctis rejecting him. Nevertheless, Regis gives him one last word: walk with your head held high, son.

And so, we leave Insomnia (what a name for a city), along with our friends: Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto, on a road trip to the city of Altissia, where our future wife awaits: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, the Oracle of Tenebrae, as part of a peace treaty with the Niflheim Empire.

However, during the journey, the news reaches the gang that Lucis has fallen, and Noctis’s father, King Regis, has been assassinated. The prince, now the last heir to the throne, reluctantly embarks on a mission to reclaim his kingdom and thwart Niflheim’s plans.

No turning back…

Throughout his journey, Noctis and his friends face numerous adversities, including demonic creatures called Daemons and the mysterious imperial organization known as MTs. They also encounter Ardyn Izunia, an enigmatic character who seems to have his own plans, and from the start, we know he is not to be trusted.

The story becomes more complex with the revelation that Noctis is the Chosen One, destined to bear the Ring of the Lucii and purge the darkness threatening Eos. Lunafreya, as the Oracle, plays a vital role in Noctis’s and the world’s fate, making finding her a matter of utmost urgency.

The plot advances as Noctis finally reaches Altissia, a city under Niflheim’s control. Here, a crucial event was supposed to take place: the wedding between Noctis and Lunafreya. However, the ceremony never happens due to all the invasion drama, and Ravus Nox Fleuret, Lunafreya’s brother, is playing on both sides.

Tragically, Lunafreya is mortally wounded by Ardyn while making a pact to summon Leviathan, the god of the waters, hoping to grant Noctis the power needed to confront the imperial threat. The ensuing battle leaves Altissia in ruins and marks a turning point in Noctis’s journey.

Sacrifices are Necessary

Everyone is devastated by the death of Lunafreya and the chaos that has consumed the world. Noctis becomes cautious, witnessing the sacrifices his friends have made, especially Ignis, who lost his sight after the battle, and Lunafreya, who lost her life. Nevertheless, the group embarks on a desperate quest to gather the Weapons of the Kings, necessary to confront the formidable Ardyn Izunia and end the darkness shrouding Eos.

As they progress, Noctis faces personal trials, and the relationships among the group members deepen. Ignis, who lost his sight, shows remarkable adaptability and continues to be a crucial guide for the prince. Gladiolus, always the protector, offers unwavering support, and Prompto, despite his own doubts, proves to be a loyal friend.

The journey takes them to explore ancient ruins and confront powerful enemies while unraveling the secrets of the past. This forces Noctis to reconcile with his destiny as the Chosen One and accept the weight of the crown he bears.

This is how we reach Ardyn, who later reveals his bitter story. Originally destined to be the Chosen One, he was corrupted by dark forces and now seeks revenge against the Lucis bloodline. His connection with the gods and his disdain for Noctis add layers of tragedy to the narrative. Ardyn’s story is explored in depth in his DLC, and the truth is compelling. In the end, Noctis is absorbed by the crystal, gaining the power to summon Bahamut from within.

Coming Back Home.

Noctis awakens, now with a beard and appearing older. Ten years have passed since the crystal absorbed him, and he has no idea what has happened or if his friends are still alive. Noctis finds a way to reach Hammerhead and reunites with the gang, who are surprised to see him. With each Royal Arm obtained, the group embarks on the journey to their final confrontation with Ardyn.

Everything culminates in Insomnia, the capital of Lucis, now occupied by the forces of Niflheim. Strengthened by the wisdom and support of his friends, Noctis ventures into the heart of darkness to face Ardyn in an epic showdown.

The confrontation reveals the truth about the darkness threatening Eos and Noctis’s connection to it. At the foot of the palace, Noctis bids farewell to his friends with the same phrase his father used: walk tall, my friends.

While the gang defends the palace to give Noctis time, he sits on the throne to fulfill his destiny. In a sacrificial act, Noctis uses the power of the Kings of Lucis, who enter one by one. Then it is Regis’s turn, who reluctantly takes Noctis’s life to guide him to the afterlife.

Once there, Noctis faces Ardyn, and using the power of his ancestors and loved ones, he purges Ardyn of the corruption and saves the world. However, this act also demands a high price: Noctis’s life.

The story concludes with an emotional epilogue. We see Eos returning to the light, and a final camping scene of the gang before heading to Insomnia. After this, Noctis ascends to the throne (in the afterlife), showing Prompto’s photo to Lunafreya. They both prepare to take a nap and finally rest.

The Importance of True Friendship.

The saddest part of the ending is realizing that not only did Noctis make a great sacrifice, but his friends did too. We can see that they lost their lives at the moment they appear in the afterlife with Noctis to confront Ardyn. Even more, realizing all of this while “Stand By Me” plays in the credits.

That moment is what broke my heart and made me fall in love with this installment. The story of Noctis and his friends undoubtedly touched my heart and will stay with me until the end of my days because it constantly makes me evaluate the people around me.

There are very few people willing to go through everything with you until the end, regardless of what happens afterward, just because they love you. And this installment of Final Fantasy, despite being hated, having its flaws, having gaps and tedious missions, does a great job in giving us a good story, and for me, that is very important.

I have played other Final Fantasy games, and in comparison, this installment has a simple, easily digestible, and very emotional story. Perhaps it doesn’t do a good job of making you fall in love with its characters from the very beginning, but it does a good job of showing you a story of bravery and maturity.

This game makes you stop and admire the people around you, appreciate those who go the extra mile to help you. We tend to confuse people’s interest with true friendship (or love), and this leads us to feel extremely lonely over time, even if we are in the midst of a crowd of familiar faces.

Imagine going through something extremely difficult, and no one wants to accompany you in those moments. When you feel that way, you know, my dear legends, it’s time to evaluate the people around you because not everyone will forge real connections with you.

We live in a world immersed in appearances, in the need to feel approved by a group of people who probably care very little about us, and rarely will you find someone who doesn’t wear masks, who shows themselves as they are, with their scars, with their fears, and tells you things with complete sincerity. Someone who is willing to accept you in the same way, ready to be there for you when you need it and prepared to face problems as they arise.

Maybe because I don’t have many friends, or maybe because I’m a sensitive sponge, I tend to value people’s company much more than usual, but a true friendship is worth much more than the company of a hundred pretty faces.

What can I say, digital legends? I find it hard to listen to the soundtrack without stirring up emotions. You don’t know how many times I had to stop in the editing of this video to let the emotion out. And I’m sure that if you give it a chance, it will also be a story that will accompany you for a long time.

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What did you think of Final Fantasy XV? Have you played it yet? If you have played it, you can leave me a comment telling me what you thought. I would love to know what you liked and what you didn’t.

You can follow us on our social media to stay updated on our content. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel and enjoy the visual version of this article.

What did you think of Final Fantasy XV? Have you played it yet? If you have played it, you can leave me a comment telling me what you thought. I would love to know what you liked and what you didn’t.

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What’s up, gamers! I’m Andrea Villasmil, the one weaving magic behind Joystick Latino. From the glorious era of Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 to today’s RPGs, video games have me hooked. Besides being the boss around here, I’m an editor and translator on this wonderful website. I’m also a music teacher, delving into the world of dubbing and voice acting.

Between psychological thrillers, RPG sessions, and delicious pasta dishes, I have a great time sharing my obsession for games on Joystick Latino. See you in the game, friends!


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