MGSV The Phantom Pain Review Pt. 4

My dear digital legends, what can I say? This 4th part, although much simpler than the previous one, still had its complications, and boy did it have them. I’ve told you before that stealth isn’t my strong suit, and with that skill deficiency, things didn’t go very well in missions with simpler objectives.

What a 4-year-old can achieve in 15 minutes in MGSV, it took me hours, that’s how bad I am, but despite my present awareness of my lack of skills, I had an extremely fun moment, and I want to share it with you through this summary of my MGSV The Phantom Pain stream. So grab your popcorn, and relax in your seats for this analysis.

Episode 10 — Angel with Broken Wings

In this mission, we must rescue a prisoner in the ruins of a palace, and I swear I thought it was the same place where the Skulls appeared, and I had to face them, so with a hint of anxiety and 7 grams of predisposition, I arrived at the place only to realize that it’s not the same site.

In my first rescue attempt, not knowing the area well, everything failed miserably. I’m grateful to have had DD there because he could sing the location of the enemies to me, even so, with this information, my first turn in this site (because there’s more, of course) was a complete disaster.

My second turn wasn’t very different, after noticing there was a second floor and that one of the prisoners had been killed, I decided to use my human shield method, in addition to DD’s killer skills, which left me quite surprised. Nevertheless, my method didn’t work, so, as the old folks say, third time’s the charm…

And so I began my third turn, using the sniper rifle, I was able to get hold of the prisoners and free them (not without suffering a small heart attack in the process). It turns out that the shots from the rifle alerted the enemies enough to create a distraction and leave the 3rd prisoner unguarded, a moment I took advantage of to free him and flee.

At this point, I called Pequoid, and when I got on to finally catch my breath, it turns out my mission wasn’t over yet, the main objective I was supposed to rescue wasn’t even there, they had him as a hostage in a nearby camp. You can’t imagine my face when I realized.

As I approached the place, I clearly let myself be intimidated by the military complex it was, in addition to the river that forced me to cross a bridge completely unprotected and without any stealth, until I realized that the river wasn’t deep and Snake could reach it. And just as I climbed up, and after scanning a bit, as fate would have it, a sandstorm approached, giving me the freedom to do as I pleased, and so it was.

I ran towards my first victim and sent him to the afterlife, then entered the complex killing another soldier, and once inside, entered the cell, took that prisoner and ran out like a crazed lunatic.


Episode 13 — Total Darkness

Here we’re informed that there’s an oil spill that we must stop, by blowing up a tank that separates the water and the oil. For this mission, we’ve been hired by an environmental protection company, and of course, everything is confidential.

We start by abducting a couple of soldiers who are very well trained for the base, and what at first were a couple turned into practically a whole army. Once we abducted them all, we continued on our way to the oil platform we needed to destroy, but upon arrival, the complex intimidated me.

It was in this area where many things started to fail, especially because of my stealth strategy, and I must highlight that I was surprised by a soldier-dressed mannequin that I swear I thought was real. Once overcome, my first attempt was frustrated by three soldiers guarding my first objective.

I found myself cornered by all three of them and with one of them so close, my mission was doomed to fail. But once my second chance began, I was able to reach my objective. I placed the C4 and ran away as if the C was stuck to me. Upon reaching the other area in front of the tank, I had no idea what to do, but thanks to the chat, I discovered that all I needed to do was blow up the tank.

Here’s where my nightmare began (although it had already started when I entered the mission, I was discovered too many times), once we detonated that tank, the entire area went into alert mode, and I constantly felt pursued, which made me nervous and made me seen all the time. It was extremely difficult to overcome this mission, especially since I didn’t know exactly where to go, which made it even more challenging.

Once I reached that button to turn off the tank, you can’t imagine the relief I felt, I finally saw the end of the mission, all that was left was to escape, and luckily, I found a lateral path to the mountain that facilitated my exit. I escaped, but at what cost…

Episode 14 — Lingua Franca

This mission was definitely a breath of fresh air compared to the previous one, and boy did I need that breath of fresh air, the mission was to extract an African interpreter so we could communicate with the new soldiers extracted and the rescued prisoners.

I must say that although it was much simpler, I made the mistake of leaving unconscious the interpreter who had to interrogate the prisoner, and I almost failed this mission thinking about extracting him, luckily I stopped my intentions of wanting to kidnap him so that things would take the right course, and after giving him a few hits and a kick, I resumed the mission.

After following the interpreter, we were able to extract the target prisoner, not without first extracting a couple more prisoners, and then, sending him off with Morpheus, we were able to extract him, ending this mission.

Episode 15 — Ghost Footprints

The craziest thing about this mission is that it was supposed to be a simple mission, but for some reason, I focused on failing… over and over again… until, for some reason, the spirit of Rambo possessed me, and I was able to complete it.

It all started when Pequoid dropped us off in an open field, our mission: to destroy some Walking Gears that had taken over a village, where they also had prisoners. But things started out super well at first, until they started going super wrong.

You know stealth isn’t my strong suit, and in this MGSV apparently stealth is even tougher than in previous installments, so the second a guard spotted me, things got tense. This mission took me 3 attempts to complete it, I constantly failed and was seen in the dumbest ways, but in the end, I gave up on stealth, asked them to send me a rocket launcher, and that was it.

I rescued the prisoners and here ended my ordeal. The path of violence in this game is sometimes the best path, even if it grows a horn on Venom Snake.

A breather…

Sometimes missions can become so intense that there’s no break between them, and you go from solving one tension to starting another even greater tension, and this keeps you in a constant state of alertness that at first feels cool, but after a while it’s not so cool anymore.

However, I must say that doing these episodes on Twitch with you guys relieves a lot of tension, and the advice you give me is very good, I will always be grateful to you. I’ll continue doing side missions, and see you on Tuesday for part 5 of this great and intense adventure.

Here’s the list of previous parts if you’d like to read them as well:
MGSV The Phantom Pain Review of the beginning
MGSV The Phantom Pain Review Pt. 2
MGSV The Phantom Pain Review Pt. 3


What’s up, gamers! I’m Andrea Villasmil, the one weaving magic behind Joystick Latino. From the glorious era of Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 to today’s RPGs, video games have me hooked. Besides being the boss around here, I’m an editor and translator on this wonderful website. I’m also a music teacher, delving into the world of dubbing and voice acting.

Between psychological thrillers, RPG sessions, and delicious pasta dishes, I have a great time sharing my obsession for games on Joystick Latino. See you in the game, friends!


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